Scottish kilt - the subject of men's clothing, traditional clothes Highlanders of Scotland. Kilt is a piece of cloth wrapped around the waist and fastened with buckles and straps; traditional kilt is worn with a special bag for the money and other small things, called Sporran.
The organizer of a charity fashion show \ "Dressed To Kilt \" is a well-known Scottish actor Sean Connery (Sean Connery). This year, the podium and took the veterans of the Iraq war from the organization Wounded Warrior Project, which received Serious injuries during military operations
Here are some pictures from this show
Американская кантри-певица Келли Пиклер (Kellie Pickler).
Американский актер Кайл Маклахлен (Kyle MacLachlan) имеет шотландские корни.
Канадский комедийный актер Майк Майерс (Mike Myers).
Келли Киллорен Бенсимон (Kelly Killoren Bensimon), участница американского реалити-шоу «The Real Housewives of New York».
Шотландский актер Алан Камминг (Alan Cumming).
Дональд Трамп-младший (Donald Trump Jr.), сын известного американского строительного и медиа-магната.
Шведский актер и фотомодель Маркус Шенкенберг (Marcus Schenkenberg).
Американский актер Мэтью Модайн (Matthew Modine).
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